Before and After



This is the result of drawing into one of my monoprints – the top image is the untouched monoprint and the lower is the enhanced version. In some areas I have added a lot of detail, in others I have left the original marks almost untouched. Overall, I have tried to bring the image together, to create a unified whole that tells a story. Its the kind of thing where I could keep working in to it, maybe I will, but for now I think it is done. Using coloured pencils in a limited range of tertiary colours leaves the monoprint colours intact below. However, it may end up being divided into smaller pieces, so that the eye can focus on more contained areas.



The overall image is about 43 x 34 cm.

Author: anna warren portfolio

I draw, I paint, I am a printmaker. Always searching for the interesting detail in the world around me.

30 thoughts

    1. I prefer not to find faces, but if it is there for you that’s fine! I do love to hear other people’s interpretations of my abstract work, it adds to my own understanding of the piece. Thanks Carol!


  1. Once again, even though this is total abstraction, still your observation of nature comes through. This could be one of your finely detailed studies of found objects. All the elements are there. But you have taken the observation and turned it in another direction; into the fantastical, creating an alternate universe.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The natural world is always there in my work I think, whether conscious or not – I am seduced by the never-ending array of strange, interesting and wonderful forms to be found! I like the idea of an alternate universe … I’m sure there are many out there somewhere.


    1. So interesting that your observation is very like Julie’s above. I’m very happy to have nature constantly making its way in, there are so many expressions to be found. It is a continual source of fascination for me (as I suspect it is for you too!)


  2. I love seeing the diffference of the monoprint without the addition of the drawing and then with the drawing. Really interesting. And of course as usual with your work, beautiful.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Nancy – I was surprised myself looking at the two images side by side that there are distinct changes, yet I feel I could take it further too. They are fun aren’t they, I’ve been enjoying your take on monoprints too!


  3. In the more finished second image (not the last one) I too see a face, or I should say nose, mouth, tiny eyes, and another more hidden one, both with a floral headdress. Winter wood sprites, perhaps. I like this.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ah, winter wood sprites, I do like that! Even though I don’t really like finding faces in abstract work, I can see these too, but I don’t think they are too far from the abstract images, the form is dominant still, but with the subtle addition of hints of faces peeping through undergrowth.


  4. I do like these. For some reason the last one reminds me of an old neglected house seen through a wet window (weird I know). I tried to emulate you by drawing on mono prints and I was useless, so I appreciate your work even more now!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I can absolutely see what you mean about looking through the wet window of an old, neglected house. There is a sense of creeping moss and drips, it’s a lovely idea.

      Do try some more drawing on monos, it is worth keeping at it. Every one I start I think is going disastrously, but as I persist, things start to emerge!

      Liked by 1 person

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