Update on nine small paintings

The nine small paintings that were in various stages that I posted in January (see here) have developed further (it’s taken a while!). Seven of them I consider to be finished, but the left and centre paintings in the last row are not as polished as the others. I think I am going to leave these two as they are … maybe. I like the looseness of them from a distance, but up close they look a bit rough. I need to work out what is important, the neat finish or the freer approach. I am thinking of developing a series worked in a looser way. Any comments?


Author: anna warren portfolio

I draw, I paint, I am a printmaker. Always searching for the interesting detail in the world around me.

30 thoughts

  1. Hi Anna, I like the loose two but they do stand out as slightly different from the others so if they were mine I would make a different group from this one to include these two. Reading what you are saying, it looks like that is what you are going to do. The rest of them are lovely too. I do feel that your loose two have a certain energy to them whereas your other ones look more still. That isn’t a criticism though – so I’m not saying that one group is more valuable than the other.


    1. Thank you Julie – I think you are absolutely right. I suppose my uncertainty about whether to ‘finish’ those two stems from the fact that they are different from the others, so if I keep them separate, and continue with my idea of a series in the looser style they will belong to the new group. They are much quicker to do, so I feel a slight sense of cheating but that is really not very sensible! Of course, if I do a series and am not happy with them, I can always tidy them up! But I think it is time to to go with the more lively approach.


      1. I’m glad that Karen made the comment about the polished ones. Because I am drawn to the loose ones. Which just shows there IS no right or wrong and what one person prefers is different to what another person prefers.
        Oh gosh – it is SO not cheating to work in a looser way. To surrender control takes guts.


        1. Thanks Julie, that does help! I am steadily convincing myself to go the loose way, I think it will be liberating. When I do initial drawings they are always loose, and in some ways I think they have more integrity and immediacy. But in doing more finished works I feel compelled to tidy up!


  2. It’s such a subjective thing Anna. They all look exquisite, especially in a group like this, but I do love the more polished look of the completed ones. I think go with whatever makes your heart sing!!! šŸ™‚


  3. I love the looseness of those two .. but then again the others are quite quite lovely too … I remember liking them before !
    You will let us know though won’t you šŸ˜‰


    1. Would you believe I have recently discovered Nicholas, and am following his work! I love it too, his drawings and his paintings are wonderful, so full of atmosphere and emotion. I am beginning to think I am on the brink of a change of direction, although I have been experimenting with very abstract drawing for some time now. Exciting times! You may be interested in another artist I follow whose work I love, and its a mixture of tight and loose http://reasonsuspended.wordpress.com/2012/11/14/the-art-of-spain/ I am finding such inspiration from all the blogs I follow, its opening up whole new worlds!


      1. Well, fancy that – you already having discovered Nicolas. Hmm, David Green’s work is unique isn’t it! Though I am ever-so-slightly reminded of Escher’s works. I’d say I respect it more than I connect with it emotionally (maybe because I’m not so keen on the fish motif).


  4. hi Anna – what is the medium? the loose two look like watercolours on my small screen but it cant be. i like them all – wish i could see them in theflesh. Good luck with your next work šŸ™‚


  5. I appreciate reading all the different angles on this and I tend to agree that all of them are great, but that the two looser ones seem to stand out as different from the others. I have personally shifted from more realistic work to trying to ‘loosen up’ and now I’m doing abstract work in a style way looser than ever. I never imagined being an abstract painter, so this has come with a bit of surprise but it has felt like a natural progression. I find it very challenging to work gesturally and to let things be without too much fussing, I guess everyone has to find their own edge and push that edge in order to grow. Your work is beautiful in all its forms – the main thing is to keep making it and sharing it so that we can all enjoy it!!!


    1. It is a surprise, isn’t it, to find yourself changing in your approach, but it is so important I think. As you say, it is a natural progression, and there is a sense of freedom in loosening up. Yesterday I started 8 new paintings and completed 3 (I think!), very different from when working more tightly, it took many hours to complete just one! I will get a few more done, then post them! Thank you for your comment – I am enjoying getting such thoughtful and encouraging responses. And I love your work by the way, really beautiful forms and richness of colour.


  6. I am drawn to them, Anna.. I love collections (series) and as a whole and individually, I think they work well. Well done. All the best :). I only wish I have your dedication to stay on the same subject 9 times!


    1. Thanks Evelyn – I love series too, am a bit obsessive maybe. I have been working on this one for a while – there are over 40 in the series now, which is probably a good reason to start changing tack a little!


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