

The reference for this painting was a tiny snippet from a photo in a gardening magazine. It was of a flower in full bloom above a leaf. In the development of the painting it has turned into something a bit more sinister, twisted sideways and with a glow behind. Still a living, growing object, but maybe more of nightmares than dreams. But I like it, I think there is a story there somewhere.

This one belongs with the others in the series (see here and here), but no longer has a seasonal feel to it, so a new title was needed.

Oil on gessoed mdf board, 30 x 30 cm (12 x 12 in)

Author: anna warren portfolio

I draw, I paint, I am a printmaker. Always searching for the interesting detail in the world around me.

20 thoughts

  1. Anna, I don’t see it as nightmarish at all but the very first response I have to it – which is immediate – is that it is somehow sexual (which I approve of). That might be somebody’s nightmare but not mine. It is the fullness – dare I even use the word engorged and the colour – of the red flowers. Even the leaf is full and that strong diagonal gives it such a powerful directional energy.

    Liked by 1 person

            1. Yes, true, and isn’t that strange … but I suppose there are some things that would be a nightmare to anyone! Its like books – I loved Alice in Wonderland but I have spoken to people who found it terrifying.


  2. Anna ! I love the fact from a tiny snippet in some gardening magazine you’ve seen and incorporated the touch of exoticism within nature and let it really evolve into a bold and seductive painting like this . The title is so perfect … I felt I knew what to expect and was not disappointed . It’s nice to push boundaries , I feel that sometimes when I write a few words to my images and
    wonder if …
    It’s wonderful to be able to share our thoughts and creations and responses – whatever they are – in a way with others like this 🙂


    1. Sharing with people who *get* what I am doing is wonderful. I so enjoy the responses – sometimes they surprise me, always make me think, sometimes see things differently, but every one gives me affirmation in one way or another. Not every experiment works, but I learn from each one. Pushing boundaries is what keeps us alive, and I know you do it too Poppy! Always appreciate your visits!


  3. I hadn’t seen sinister either. I thought that it was at the very tip of ripe, beauty at its highest point, full, maybe lusty, certainly flashy and attractive. It might even be voluptuous in its own way.


  4. My thoughts of this work were not sinister but primordial. Certainly lush fullness and ripeness, but the colours and darkness give me a feeling of life evolving from darkness. Pretty deep for first thing in the morning! As always a joy to see your work and read your posts about them. Karen


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