
As an artist who paints, draws and is also a printmaker, experimentation with different media and new techniques is what I love to do – hence the diverse nature of the work I produce, but the constant link is drawing. Most of my work is in a small format, and this fondness for working on a small scale led me to the intricacy and detail of miniatures.

Inspired by the natural world – plants, creatures and people, it is the micro view rather than the big picture which fascinates me, and this drew me to looking to depict pattern and texture and finding quirks, allowing the artwork take over and take me to surprising places.

52 thoughts

  1. What talent you have Anna ! I’ve really enjoyed looking at your work with various techniques and in different mediums . Hope there are lots more in 2013 šŸ˜‰


      1. Poppytump comes from the ‘longbarrow’ in the garden which I love to be covered with poppies in the summer … everyone on here calls me Poppy /Poppytump I rather like it .. it conjures up a carefree image and a somewhat younger person than my DOB would actually confirm šŸ˜‰
        Here’s to a productive year ahead for us both !


    1. Thank you so much Janina! I am torn between feeling I should concentrate on just one medium (or two!) and the constant stream of ideas that are begging to be depicted in one particular medium or another. But the fun is in constant experimentation – and I now have too many art materials to stick to just one area!


  2. Hi Anna, Thank you so much for visiting my site and becoming a follower. Because you have done that I have now found your blog and artwork. Your work is so beautiful. I am so moved by it. I especially like your drawings. What are the sizes of the miniature pieces?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Nancy – I return the compliment, I love your work, especially the more abstract pieces, they are inspiring. The miniatures can have a maximum perimeter of 40 cm, so 10 x 10 cm or any other combination to make that size. Most of my works are smaller than that, the pencil drawing in the upcoming exhibition is 6.5 x 10 cm and the apricots one in an earlier post is 8.5 x 8.8 cm, and the imagery must be miniaturised.


  3. I have nominated you for the Sunshine Award. Please accept it. I have enjoyed your work and look forward to much more! If you would like to accept the reward all you need to do is:

    Answer any 10 questions that you can think of

    Include the Award image in your post

    Nominate 10 additional bloggers for the award

    and then notify your nominees on their blogs.

    Here is a link to help get you going





  4. Hello Anna Warren, I got a surprise when I liked something and saw my name in the comments – but it was Anna not Anne. Well I am in fact Anna Warren as well but go by Anne. Loved your work and I hope you will take a moment to look at mine too.


    1. Hello Anne (or Anna)! Well, fancy finding another one, but this is dĆ©jĆ  vu for me – I know of two more Anna Warrens who are artists in NSW and one more who isn’t. Who would believe it is such a common name! I visited your blog, I like your pen and ink doodles very much, look forward to seeing more of your work.


    1. Thank you so much Janina! I’m very touched. Thanks for the ecard too – I’m on very limited internet access for the next week so cant respind properly but I will as soon asi can. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas xx


  5. Hi Anna
    I wanted to let you know about an art competition you might be interested in. There is a Miniature Section and other ASMA associated artists enter each year. May I send the details to you?

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Nice Blog artistic human soul ,Take care and be good šŸ˜€
    i find here creativity,fresh thinking and wise mind
    Check my latest visions in free time maybe too ? Bless, EWII ā¤
    Don't be afraid ,ghosts don't bite

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much Bretta! I had been meaning to set up a FB fan page for ages, so you have inspired me to do it! Its Anna Warren Art, hopefully will be easy enough to find. Not much on it yet, but I will be adding to it over time.


  7. Hi Anna, I just knew you’re artwork would be beautiful, very pleased to have met you and hope you are happy with your new pencils! Kind regards Marg, at the Art Shop

    Liked by 1 person

  8. This is totally inspiring me to keep color sketchbooks. Is this in Australia? I’d love to visit sometime – the flora is amazing and different from here in the USA.


    1. This is Australia! You’re right, the flora is amazing here, well worth a visit if you get the chance. And do keep sketchbooks, you don’t realise till later when you look back just how valuable they are, for retaining memories and inspiration for other artworks.Thank you for your comment!


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